Last Updated on May 12, 2022 by Roff Graves
The gallery was often great fun. how long ivermectin takes to work Today I was reminded of this incident. It really happened but for obvious reasons I will not use the name. ivermectin over the counter philippines Some of you older customers will recognize the incident and people involved. —–There was a window in the front room looking directly into the side room of the gallery. I had a well built lovely woman helping me occasionally. This particular day she was in the back somewhere. stromectol dr max I saw one of my customers, a man in his late 50ties. staring into the window. I watched as he stood almost in a hypnotic state. What is wrong with him, I thought. I went to see what he was looking at. Well the lovely woman who was wearing slim low jeans and a blouse had decided to hang a painting directly in the side room above that window. She had climbed a short ladder and was fully stretched out against the window, while hanging the painting. Unknowingly she was making one older man very happy. He was watching her every move. I yelled at him. Oh was he embarrassed. –And believe it or not, I was talking with her today and she gave me permission to place this in Facebook!–Thank you_________!—olRoff